
Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units.

Cast Range: 700
Damage Radius: 260
Damage: 90/180/270/360
Heal: 90/180/270/360


Creates a divine barrier around a target unit which grants them Spell Immunity and 100% resistance to Magic Damage..

Cast Range: 500
Duration: 6/8/10/12

Degen Aura

Greatly degenerates the movement and attack capabilities of enemy units that stray too near, including Spell Immune enemies.

Radius: 350
Move Speed Slow: 10%/18%/26%/34%
Attack Speed Slow: 10/18/26/34

Guardian Angel

Omniknight summons a Guardian Angel that grants immunity from physical damage.

Radius: 600
Duration: 6/7/8