Summon Wolves

Summons two wolves to fight for Lycan. Level 2-4 wolves have Critical Strike, level 3-4 wolves have permanent invisibility, and level 4 wolves have 15 hp regen.

Number of Wolves: 2
Duration: 55


Grants bonus damage to Lycan, all allied heroes, and all units under their control.

Radius: Global
Hero Attack Damage Bonus: 14/26/38/50
Non-Hero Attack Damage Bonus: 5/10/15/20
Duration: 10

Feral Impulse

Increases the damage and attack speed of Lycan and all units under his control.

Radius: 900
Attack Speed Bonus: 15/20/25/30
Attack Damage Bonus: 15%/20%/25%/30%


Lycan assumes his lupine form, granting him critical strikes and added vision at night. During Shapeshift, Lycan and all units under his control move at increased speed and cannot be slowed.

Transformation Time: 1.5
Night Vision Bonus: 1000
Movement Speed: 650
Critical Chance: 30%
Critical Damage: 170%
Duration: 18/p>