Sends a magical spirit lance to a target enemy unit that damages and slows, while summoning an illusory phantom to attack the unit.
Cast Range: 750 Damage: 100/150/200/250 Move Speed Slow: 10/20/30/40% Illusion Damage Taken: 400% Illusion Damage Dealt: 20% Illusion Duration: 2/4/6/8 Slow Duration: 3.25
Phantom Lancer briefly vanishes from the battlefield. After 1 second, Phantom Lancer and any of his nearby illusions reappear at a random position within the targeted location, along with two additional doppelgangers. The two added doppelgangers have different properties: one takes normal damage and deals none, while the other takes 600% bonus damage and deals 20% damage.
Cast Range: 600 Target Area Radius: 325 Illusion Gather Radius: 900 Reappear Delay: 1 Illusion Duration: 8
When targetting an enemy for an attack, Phantom Lancer quickly charges into range. Phantom Lancer's illusions also have this ability.
Minimum Rush Distance: 300 Maximum Rush Distance: 600/700/800/900 Rush Speed: 800 Speed Buff duration: 5
Phantom Lancer has a chance to fracture his presence, creating an illusion of himself. Illusions also have a chance to fracture further. Illusions created from Phantom Lancer last for 8 seconds, while illusions created from other illusions last 4 seconds.
Hero Proc Chance: 40%/45%/50% Illusion Proc Chance: 8% Max illusions: 5/7/9 Illusion Damage Taken: 500% Illusion Damage Dealt: 16% Illusion Duration: 4